Personal Injury Attorneys and Medical Negligence Lawyers Law Firm

You need to pick up the ‘phone and call us now your Personal injury and Medical Negligence lawyers in Johannesburg on 087 550 4031 to discuss with us your possible claim or alternatively why not fill in the contact form and send it to us so that you can receive a free call back with no obligation at a time of your choice

From our office in Sandton just north of Johannesburg we specialise in looking after people throughout Gauteng who have suffered either personal injuries or harm in either Personal Injury accidents or from a lack of duty of care in Medical Negligence situations.

We undertake as your Personal injury or Medical negligence lawyer to act for you on a No Win No Fee basis. What this means that you will never pay fees or costs to us unless we WIN compensation for you

We will keep you regularly up dated on the status of your Personal injury claim or Medical negligence claim and our experienced and successful team will be fully committed to achieving the results that you our client deserve. We believe that outstanding customer service is a right for all our esteemed clients.

    To receive a free no obligation call back at a time of your choice.
    Please fill in the contact form and send it to us.
    Or call us on 087 550 4031

    * We don’t share your personal info with anyone.

    Types of Injury claims

    Personal Injury

    If you have been injured or harmed and you believe it is the fault of another third party, you may be able to make a Personal injury claim. What Personal Injury covers is any sort of physical injury or harm to a person due to the negligence or partial negligence of a third party such as another person, company, or entity.

    Typical Personal Injuries may come from;

    1. Road traffic accidents involving, cars, trucks, lorries, buses, vans, motor bikes etc. Road traffic accidents are covered by claims to the RAF
    2. Slips, falls and trips. Otherwise sometimes known as Premises liability. Slips, falls and trips mainly relate to injuries caused by you either by slipping, falling or tripping as a result either a flaw on a walking surface, or a slippery surface caused by weather conditions or very often a spill.
    3. Dog bites
    4. Product liability due to defective and/or dangerous products that cause you injury and or harm
    5. Metrorail and train accidents
    6. Aviation accidents.
    7. Lift, door and gate malfunction accidents; and

    injury attorneys johannesburg
    injury lawyers

    Medical Negligence

    If you have been harmed as a result of bad medical care or as it is more widely described as a lack of Duty of Care, you may have a claim against the medical practitioner such as the surgeon, or doctor or consultant for medical negligence.

    In order to succeed with a medical negligence claim, it is critical that you retain attorneys that are experienced with medical negligence claims and who have the resources and expertise necessary to win your case. Starting a medical negligence claim with the simple and straight forward hope that the doctor or hospital will simply settle the claim at first contact in order to make it go away is totally unfounded

    So whether it was a negligent surgeon, or doctor or consultant or hospital or other service provider then you should call us now your Personal Injury or Medical Negligence lawyer in Johannesburg on 087 550 4031 to explore with us about your possible Medical Negligence claim or fill in the contact form and send it to us to receive a free no obligation call back from RH Lawyers Inc attorneys at a time of your choice.

    Road traffic accidents and the Road Accident Fund

    Being involved in a road accident could leave you with injuries ranging from mild bruising and whiplash to serious head and spinal injuries. A road accident can be life changing, not only for those left injured, but also for their families and loved ones.

    Nobody plans to have a car accident but sometimes they are unavoidable. If you do get caught up in an accident it is important to try not to panic as that can only unfortunately make things worse. Just aim to keep a clear head as possible and collect as much information as you can from the scene. It will certainly help you when a road accident claims form has to be filed in.

    Many of those injured in road accidents are entitled to claim compensation by the way of a motor accident claim with the RAF. No matter how severe your injuries are, you need to have a dedicated and experienced attorney who will help you to access the compensation through the RAF. so there are some very important reasons why you should call us now your Personal Injury or Medical Negligence lawyer Johannesburg on 087 550 4031 to talk to us about your road traffic accident claim or you can fill in the contact form and send it to us to receive a free no obligation call back at a time of your choice.

    personal injury attorneys

    Do you have a claim and need a personal injury attorneys to help? Please call on: 087 550 4031

    Pick up the phone and call us now on 087 550 4031 to talk to us about your accident claim or fill in the contact form and send it to us to receive a free no obligation call back at a time of your choice in Gauteng and Johannesburg and all other areas from our law firm.
